More great opinions and Agriculture News from Dustin Kittle

Recently, in Tennessee, hundreds of Farmers staged a huge protest, driving their tractors to an assembly point to make their views heard regarding the onerous regulations being handed down by the USDA. This was a huge deal, as our government is working to reduce the supply of locally-produced food available to Americans, and favoring “Big Ag” companies. Posts, including video, below.

More below
And more
And more
And now, a calm interlude or two
Back to the protest below
I hope this gets your dander up, Readers

Everyone should be paying attention to what is going on with Agriculture in America. Big moneyed and government entities are working to cull the human and animal populations by any means necessary. The Covid “pandemic” was a big deal, and proved the concept that, if given something to fear, the population would follow government orders to essentially make them fear all other people, rat them out, and obey orders. I just found this little news item. Does this scare you?

Now, do things start to fall into place? Eugenics??!! Well, this all scares me. If you are on X/Twitter, follow Dustin Kittle and Robert Barnes for agriculture news. Keep your eyes and ears open, because your life depends on it. How about this one? If you didn’t see it here, you would NEVER know this was happening!!

The World Economic Forum needs to be resisted and thwarted at every turn. Even Europeans are fighting back now, but this organization is very powerful.

I leave you with one more quiet view of Snow Creek Ranch.

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