Chapter Four: Dustin Kittle vs Farm Credit Admin: Crickets

Hello, Readers. Below is the next chapter of the Farm Credit Scandal, chronicled by Ag Attorney and Rancher, Dustin Kittle. X/Twitter link after the article. Once again, I am copying this in full for my readers who prefer not to join X/Twitter. Please pass this along to your friends and neighbors who might not be aware of what the USDA is doing to America’s farmers. And a main character in this part of the story might be familiar to you.

For at least 15 years now, a plan has unfolded to reshape the way we view agriculture and its role within our environment. And over that time, three groups have emerged in that narrative: 1.Those who found a way to vilify farms for the sake of personal profit; 2.Those who put trust in those people in an effort to be a steward of the environment; and, 3.Those of us who know better. And the third group grows with each passing day; as it becomes more and more apparent that those who have peddled this nonsense that our cows are destroying the environment, et al. are being exposed for the CON-MEN and CON-WOMEN they are. Three months ago, I was down, after having the Page we had built a movement behind disabled by Meta — and in my pivot to X, a story broke on Kristi Noem and her book; with Noem justifying the shooting of a hunting dog and a goat as business as usual on the American family farm. The timing could not have been worse for me; as the last thing I needed was to alienate anyone. But I also had to be true to myself and what I believe — so I wrote a scathing rebuke of her words in a post that hit 2 million views. You can read that post here: But I lost followers, had a major influencer on the right say I must be lying about the Farm Credit matter because I challenged them on Noem, and was called a leftist Biden plant more times than I can count (although it was fun asking back why they haven’t sued him yet like I have lol) — But I stand by my position: Anyone who would cause harm to an innocent animal would cause harm to me or you; if just given half-a-chance. Ground Zero to this agricultural fraud involving our government is shared by South Dakota and Iowa; although Arkansas is not too far behind. What we have revealed in recent days is that the Summit Carbon Pipeline has been a sham of epic proportions. An appointed USDA / Farm Credit Official was business partners with the CEO of the Energy Company that initiated this carbon capture movement within the ethanol fuel industry. And even as environmentalists, those in that debate for the right reasons, said the carbon pipeline would do more harm than good; every warning light and stop sign was blown through, by either encouragement or silence. Right now, Brad Little is failing the farmers and ranchers of Idaho by failing to come to their aid — and I would argue that, through acquiescence and silence, Kristi Noem of South Dakota has failed the farmers, and the landowners in general, of her State by failing to tell them the complete truth. Governor Kristi Noem should have been upfront and owned the fact that she has an ownership interest in a company involved in the project; but perhaps even more damning, Kristi Noem has a familial connection with someone who is a paid advocate for a company connected to the project.

So allow me to take you from South Dakota to Washington DC and then back home again; just to show the lawyers of conflicts at play here: Farm Credit Board Member Dallas Tonsager, of South Dakota, formed business ventures with Energy mogul Tom Hitchcock, also of South Dakota, in 2002; with Tonsager appointed to the Farm Credit Board by 2004. In 2007, Hitchcock joined Redfield Energy; where he would ultimately become CEO. By 2009, President Obama transferred Farm Credit Board Member Tonsager to the position of USDA Undersecretary. By 2011, Redfield Energy would enter into a joint venture with an Englewood, Colorado-based energy company known as Gevo. By 2015, President Obama reassigned Tonsager back to the Farm Credit Board; naming him as Chairman of the Farm Credit System just two weeks after Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the November 2016 Election. From 2015 until 2018, Redfield Energy becomes the “pioneer” of carbon capture within the ethanol business. As an off-shoot to those efforts, our government, through the USDA and the Department of Energy, began doling out massive tax credits and guaranteed government loans within the industry to advance carbon capture — — with the most significant of those projects being the “Boondoggle” of the Summit Carbon Pipeline; spanning multiple states, to include South Dakota; whose farmers and rural residents have been fighting for their property rights in 160+ eminent domain lawsuits filed by Summit Carbon. Meanwhile, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, who has the authority to put a stop to this entire nonsense, by doing little more than making her positions on the subject very plain and clear, has, for the most part, stood back and watched that raging fire burn. While Noem’s team might suggest she has been a part of implementing certain half-hearted measures in response; there has not been a time Noem has went all in for landowners. And that is likely because she is conflicted; by facts she did not lead with as she should have — until forced to do so once they were discovered. See the list of business partners of Summit Carbon Solutions here: Based upon financial disclosures, Kristi Noem is or has been a part of the ownership group in Granite Falls Energy, a Summit business partner with an ethanol plant located in Minnesota; Based upon financial disclosures, Kristi Noem is or has been a part of the ownership group in Glacial Lakes Energy, a Summit business partner with ethanol plants located in South Dakota; Summit Carbon Solutions was one of the five (5) Platinum Sponsors for Kristi Noem’s inauguration; And Noem’s son-in-law Kyle Peters serves as a LOBBYIST for Gevo, a business partner of Summit Carbon which has direct ties to Redfield / Hitchcock (with ties to the USDA). More concerning, Gevo touts that the Federal Government has promised them a $950 million dollar guaranteed loan through the Department of Energy; so long as that Summit Carbon Capture Pipeline Project moves forward. If the Pipeline Project does not materialize, Gevo says they may not can continue operating at all. And I say all that to say this: By the publicly available information alone, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem’s son-in-law stands to lose his job if that $8 Billion Magic Pipeline does not span the South Dakota prairie. So now you should know why we hear crickets when awaiting Noem to speak up for South Dakota landowners — — and Crickets always seem to find a way to come back and haunt her.

Yes, people you might not have expected to be a part of the scandal, are turning out to be a part of the scandal.

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