Episode Six in the Continuing Saga of Dustin Kittle vs Farm Credit Admin. Communist Corn State

This post is copied over from X/Twitter for those readers who do not wish to join. Link at the end of the quoted post. I am continually amazed at how Dustin took on the government behemoth, and has stuck with it for so long. Everyone needs to know about this, as the scandal involves the …

Continue reading Episode Six in the Continuing Saga of Dustin Kittle vs Farm Credit Admin. Communist Corn State

Our US government is committing Treason

The headline and subheading on the front page of the Wall Street Journal on January 26 reads as follows: Iran Got Warning From U.S. on ISIS Attack. Washington secretly offered intelligence to Tehran on plot that killed 84 people. One definition of Treason is “ giving aid and comfort to the Enemy.” This intelligence given …

Continue reading Our US government is committing Treason