In this very depressing world, let’s inject some fun. Cat cartoons!

If you read any news at all, from any source, you could get very depressed at how our great country is being invaded by illegal aliens, hit by tornadoes, and seeing college campuses overrun by terrorist sympathizers. So, let’s add some fun to the mix. Today, let’s show some of my new cat cartoons. Cats are a constant source of laughs and love, even though we know that we don’t own them, they own us!

Isn’t this just the truth? We think we are rescuing them, but they are really rescuing us!

Cats always sit outside the door, scratching to get in, and once they are in, they walk right back out again in a short time when they get bored. Yep, they own us!

One of the greatest cat cliche’s, that they love an empty box more than fancy toys!

Now, for some real cats from my Twitter feed.

Typical cat.
And the still from the same day. I love these kitties from Scotland!

Finally, another one of my very favorite cats on Twitter. Missy has such beautiful eyes!

Have a wonderful evening, everyone. Smiles!

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