Another Awesome Essay from Cynical Publius on Homelessness

This guest essay is copied in its entirety from his post on X/Twitter. All the words are his, but the ideas are universal and should be heeded by all who are not Fascist Leftists. They are destroying America on purpose, and the Homeless-Industrial Complex is especially powerful in Western Washington.

Let me explain why homelessness is an essential tool of Fascist Democrat politicians at the state and local level, and why it’s a problem that will never get better so long as Democrats run our cities. First, some background.  It’s a story as old as Tammany Hall. Democrat politicians identify a “need”—real or imagined.  Then they solicit bids on a contract to meet that need, paid for by the taxpayers.  The contractor whose bid wins is a friend or family with (or donor to) one or more Democrat politicians, and the contractor employs the friends and family of the same Democrat politicians, so ultimately the taxpayers’ money flows back to the pockets of the Democrat politician, and it’s all legal of course.  (Fani Willis’ hiring of her boyfriend in the Atlanta Trump trial is an excellent, small scale example of this practice.) The thing is, what makes this hard to do on a daily basis is that these contracts are usually for building tangible things like roads or buildings, or providing essential services like trash collection, so it’s hard for the contractor to not show tangible results without getting in trouble.  The margins on this sort of graft are small because ultimately the contractor must deliver. But HOMELESSNESS… oh geez, that’s the Willy Wonka Golden Ticket of Fascist Democrat graft.  Millions upon millions of dollars can be pumped into shelters, temporary housing projects, needle exchange programs, food distribution, mental health counseling, you name it.  The supposed beneficiaries of these programs are usually mentally ill people on the fringes of society, so they are in no position to complain when only 10% of the program’s funding actually serves to benefit them.  Moreover, it’s easy to show off some shiny set of rooms in a shelter for PR purposes that create a Potemkin Village aura of success.  Even better, non-profits and NGOs can get involved in this, which means the Mayor’s trust fund niece with the queer studies degree from Brown will be able to get in on the act too.  And who can challenge the ethical purity and virtue of a non-profit run by such loving, caring, Fascist Democrats?  Millions upon millions can be pumped into homelessness campaigns, with virtually zero results, with millions going into the grafty pockets of Democrat pols and everyone in their circle, including contractor/donors who send that money right back to the pols.  And if the public complains that the homelessness problem in the city is getting worse?  WELL THEN.  We just need to throw more money at the problem, and the cycle continues. This is why Fascist Democrat politicians at the state and local level LOVE homelessness and never want it to go away.  It’s the political golden goose laying infinite golden eggs.  So the next time you drive by a homeless encampment in some Democrat s***hole city, realize the benefits that encampment provides some Fascist Democrat fat-cat politician, and why that encampment will never go away.

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