Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #301: Floral

My 75th birthday was a little over a month ago. A very good friend gave me a beautiful orchid plant, and its many flowers have been gradually opening up. The first photo below is from the day I got it. Only a couple of the flowers were open.

And here are photos I took last week.

Now, I took these just today.

The blooms are opening up nicely.

Once again, the hardy little azalea that I received as a housewarming present 24 years ago when I bought my house is blooming by the front door.

It looks blurry because it was moving in the wind! Here’s the same plant a couple of years ago.

This week, I made a Costco run, and I always drop by the floral department. Their flowers are always so fresh and bright.

We are fortunate to live close to the tulip fields of the Skagit Valley. Every year in April, the tulip Festival brings people from all around the Pacific Northwest.

Tulip Fields near Mount Vernon, WA

Seattle has a beautiful Japanese Garden, and I found this tranquil spot with overhanging flowers.

What was that about the desert blooming?

Barrel Cactus in bloom. Who knew cacti had such pretty flowers?
Barrel cactus in bloom

Everyone needs to visit the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix if you are ever there. It is quite spectacular.

Here’s the link to this week’s Original Post. And Tina’s beautiful post too.

3 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #301: Floral

  1. Oh my goodness RB, that orchid is amazing! I’ve bought many and they all die. Someone suggested they will come back and bloom again but I’ve never had one do so. I’m insanely jealous of yours! Lovely florals all.

  2. I love that there’s a story behind your plants. I still remember bringing some of mine in the car and now they are obviously way too big. It gives a sense of time passing. The wisteria is lovely, a wonderful capture and the orchid is just mad, so many flowers!

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