A new series on RushBabe49.com: Dustin Kittle’s Crusade to clean up the Farm Credit Scandal.

Hello Readers. Beginning today, I will be re-publishing posts by Lawyer and Rancher Dustin Kittle, detailing his fight with the US Department of Agriculture, and its Farm Credit agency (the primary backer of loans to American farmers and ranchers). Dustin has a ranch in Santa Fe, Tennessee, where he grows crops and breed livestock, and he has been engaged in a running battle with the Farm Credit system. Starting now, he is publishing over on X/Twitter his findings from detailed research regarding the source of US agricultural land and corporations to foreign interests. I will try to post new essays each day, and instead of just putting up the post itself from X and having readers click over there, I will be copying over all of his articles right here. Note: The photo at the top of this post is two of Dustin’s bulls, at his Snow Creek Ranch.

Dustin’s findings should put fear of the government into the hearts of all thinking Americans, when they find out what has been going on over many years. I urge everyone to send all their friends to read these posts, and especially those who live in rural areas and may have first-hand knowledge. The American public needs to wake up to what has been taking place, essentially selling out America’s food supply to countries who wish us ill. Thank you. Herewith, the first installment.

🚨🇺🇸 — AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM TENNESSEE RANCHER + AG ATTORNEY DUSTIN KITTLE ON IMMEDIATE THREATS TO OUR NATIONAL SECURITY WHICH HAVE BEEN HIDDEN FROM THE AMERICAN PUBLIC: The U.S. Farm Credit System has been hijacked, sabotaged, and, based upon our review of the documented evidence, appears to be under the direction, control, or influence of foreign agents. While most know me as the rancher who brought suit against President Biden due to a blatant failure to perform his Constitutional duties in appointing a U.S. Farm Credit Oversight Board, I have not made known until now that this effort is part of a broader case that first began in 2014. It was then I investigated, discovered, and exposed a corruption within the United States Department of Agriculture that would later be linked to a “Red Dawn” event that was allowed to occur on American soil from 2017 until 2022. What was that “Red Dawn” event? Over a five year period immediately following the Presidency of Barack Obama and transitioning into the Presidency of Joe Biden, there was an all-out assault launched to capture American farmland and reroute it to foreign interests; to include the Communist Government of China. What we now know is the farmland was not selected randomly and instead was acquired to border specific, strategic military sites that have now compromised our national security; and in the same process, irreparable harm was inflicted to our national food supply chain; with family farms converted to a consolidated scheme in favor of foreign-owned corporate agriculture. Since the election of President Obama in 2008, we have lost more farms to foreign interests than at any point in American history; further, the evidence will show that the U.S. Farm Credit Board was manipulated by both Barack Obama and Joe Biden (or his controlling agent) — to allow the influx of foreign “investors” to continue. But perhaps of greater importance, the evidence we have now obtained shows the Farm Credit System became a pawn in the scheme to not only influence policy; but also our ELECTIONS. This story cannot and should not be told in a single Post — and over the next 24 days, we will reveal every piece of evidence in this fraud. But lest they think I am bluffing, just follow this — In 2007, a Presidential appointed and Senate confirmed Board Member of the United States Farm Credit System broke rank (following his appointment by President George W. Bush) to form Rural Americans for Obama. That Official would ultimately play a key role, as he both was chair of Obama’s rural campaign committee and would become a member of the transition team. Although that Farm Credit Board Member was reassigned by President Barack Obama to the USDA in 2009, it would be two weeks after the election of Donald Trump as President in 2016 that Barack Obama would name the Official in question CHAIRMAN of the Farm Credit System. The selection occurred between the November election of Trump and his swearing in as the President; in an unprecedented move. Tomorrow, you will be introduced to that individual in the first of 24 articles between now and July 4th to outline every player in this fraudulent, treasonous scheme. But I leave you with this; what upset the apple cart to get us to here? That Official died, unexpectedly, in 2019; but not before he put his Executive Assistant and Legal Advisor in place as the “independent” Inspector General of the U.S. Farm Credit System — — who was able to make an election-interfering Hatch Act violation, within the United States Farm Credit System, disappear as to the election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Oh, and don’t bother calling the Chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee, Debbie Stabenow (Michigan – Democrat), for help — the SON of that Official was hired by her to become the Special Legal Counsel to her and to the Senate Agriculture Committee. Debbie, you let me know when I have your attention. I am ready to testify.

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