Installment Three in the case of Dustin Kittle vs Farm Credit Scandal: Water

Below, direct from X/Twitter, is the third installment of Dustin’s story of the conflict between the US Farm Credit system and America’s family farmers. This is NOT being publicized by the corporate media, because if it was, many Americans would be appalled by the way their government is working to ruin family farms, and transfer their lands and farms into foreign hands, specifically the communist Chinese. Once again, I am copying over the full text, and will link to the original at the bottom of the post. If you care about America’s food-supplying family farmers, you will spread this knowledge far and wide. We need to wake up about what the Deep State is doing to Americal

THE FARM CREDIT SCANDAL Chapter Three || Water Water Everywhere


As I woke this morning, I was greeted by the latest out of Bill Gates in his War on Cows — as he said that, in order to save the planet this time, we must CHANGE THE COWS. Gates has become the equivalent of a carnival barker who is willing to say and/or do anything so long as it adds another nickel to his personal portfolio. I am here to tell you that he — and many others — are playing a dangerous game. And it’s the same type of game that leaves citizens without the water they need to sustain life or a livelihood that is dependent on that precious resource. So let’s walk back 22 years, as South Dakota native Dallas Tonsager had impeccable foresight in forming a private business relationship and setting up multiple incorporated ventures at the time with one Thomas Hitchcock, the man who five years later would join Redfield Energy. It was way back then, from 2002 to 2007, that the deed was done — and what has happened since just happens to be the fallout from same. By 2010, the pieces were in place. Dallas Tonsager had been appointed by Barack Obama to be the Undersecretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture; and Tom Hitchcock had been named the CEO of Redfield Energy. At the USDA, Tonsager was the right-hand man to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture; the former Governor of Iowa, Tom Vilsack. And if we all knew then what we all know now; Vilsack would have been IMPEACHED in 2011. Because it was then that Vilsack modified the criteria for federal funding through REAP (Rural Energy for America Program) to include ethanol; despite the fact that Congress barred the biofuel as a qualifying agent with respect to REAP. So just how in the hell was the man sitting atop the USDA able to unilaterally usurp the powers of Congress?

The Obama Administration would cite the 1948 Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act for the position that the antiquated statute had granted powers so broad to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture that he held near “limitless” power to override Congress when it came to spending tax dollars to “assist” the cause of agriculture. Taxpayers for Common Sense describe Vilsack’s Magic Money Wand as follows: “Specifically, Congress allowed the Secretary to support agricultural commodity prices, procure and remove surplus commodities, expand markets, aid in the export of commodities, and administer conservation programs under the authority of the CCC. The CCC is, in effect, controlled by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). In 1948, the CCC became a federal corporation within USDA. Everyone from its board of directors – which is made up of the Secretary of Agriculture himself, plus seven other USDA officials – to its own employees are staff with USDA day jobs. The Secretary of Agriculture sits at the CCC’s helm, thus wielding significant power over its direction and use of taxpayer dollars.” The Commodity Credit Corporation has access to $30 Billion in borrowing authority directly from the U.S. Treasury; and at the fingertips of Tom Vilsack, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden. ——— And you just never know when a Billion here or there may come in handy to fund the pursuits of familiar faces in the War on Cows and Carbon. By 2015, our man Hitchcock had Redfield knee-deep in climate-smart agriculture; whatever the hell that means. And Redfield became the first ethanol plant on Planet Earth apparently to find the eternal secret of ethanol-carbon removal; whatever the hell that means. So by 2018, it was money making time — no longer enough to just get the carbon sucked out of the succulent corn but it would then need to be carried 500 million miles around the sun and moon and buried beneath Kristi Noem’s gravel pit; or somewhere in the Dakotas anyway — — by way of the Summit Carbon Pipeline.


But as Bill Gates perhaps should note, you are no environmentalist when the goals you seek are to redesign the environment to suit your selfish needs; that just makes you an asshole. —— To cool down that eco-friendly marvel of the Summit Carbon Pipeline, you need more water than what the natural environment provides; And you should take note of all those who have stood aside to allow our natural resources to be compromised for the pursuit of political agendas and the grotesque pursuit of personal profit. The bad guys here aren’t the companies. A company name is a pseudonym the real bad guy uses to try to fool the rest of us. But no more — — see how natural this Water Permit sounds to you as a part of the Summit Carbon Pipeline: Withdraw water from one new Devonian Limestone well, about 380 feet deep, located on land generally described as the NW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 01, T95N, R12W, Chickasaw County, Iowa, in the maximum quantity of 55.9 million gallons per year at a maximum rate of 100 gallons per minutethroughout each year for carbon capture-related purposes on said land. And that Permit has friends — — and those Permits have friends; and they all trace back to one place: The Government’s Greenhouse Gaslighting Plan to guilt the American public into believing in an environmental cause that lacks sincerity; as the ones pushing that agenda forward are the very ones hellbent on destroying our environment.

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