Chapter Five in the Continuing Saga of Dustin Kittle vs Farm Credit Admin: Corn Silk Road

Once again, we copy in its entirety from X/Twitter, for readers who don’t have a presence over there. Link to the X/Twitter post at the bottom.

If the Summit Carbon Pipeline push has a voice, it’s this guy, the “Iowa Kingmaker” — Bruce Rastetter. Rastetter spearheaded the creation of Summit Carbon Solutions; the company pushing forward with building-out the world’s largest carbon capture pipeline across the American Midwest. But this is not Bruce’s first foray into “Big Ag” — as he founded his first company in 1994, a pork outfit he consolidated into Heartland Pork Enterprises; with Heartland apparently suffering multi-million dollar losses, and then flipped, ten years later, to Christensen Farms — one of the largest pork conglomerates in the world. Rastetter would then shift over to the ethanol world and ultimately founded the Summit Agricultural Group. He is a power player amongst power players in Republican politics and advised the Trump Administration on policy — — lest you think anybody is coming out of it clean in this sordid affair. But even a Kingmaker can’t make an $8 Billion project carbon pipeline project flow; not without a little help from some friends. And that’s where this really begins to get interesting — $300 Million isn’t chump-change; and that was the investment committed to the Summit Carbon Capture Pipeline Project by an entity known as TPG Rise Climate — Dig down a little further toward China and you’ll find that an anchor investor into TPG Rise Climate is the China-based SILK ROAD FUND. So while I check here quickly to be sure my life insurance policy hasn’t lapsed, you all can turn the page — ————————— 🧵 — 1 of 3 — #SaveOurFarms 🇺🇸🌾


What is China’s Silk Road Fund? China’s Belt and Road Initiative, sometimes referred to as the New Silk Road, is the biggest infrastructure project ever conceived. Launched in 2013 by President Xi Jinping, the vast collection of development and investment initiatives is devised to link China with the rest of the world through physical and digital infrastructure; significantly broadening China’s economic and political influence. Many analysts see the project as an unsettling extension of China’s rising power, and what could be a Trojan horse for China-led regional development as well as military expansion. One of the Silk Road project’s major priorities is securing long-term energy supplies, especially via routes that the U.S. military cannot disrupt. Specifically, the TPG Rise Climate initiative is an investment fund geared toward constructing a portfolio of companies that enable carbon aversion in a quantifiable way. TPG Rise Climate’s Executive Chairman is former US Treasury Secretary, Hank Paulson. TPG’s investments are focused on climate solutions in 1) Clean Electrons (Energy Transition and Green Mobility); 2) Clean Molecules (Sustainable Fuels and Sustainable Molecules); and 3) Negative Emissions (Carbon Solutions). TPG’s first close received subscriptions from some of the world’s largest institutional investors including Allstate, AXA, The Hartford, Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan Board, Public Investment Fund, Public Sector Pension Investment Board, School Employees Retirement System of Ohio, Silk Road Fund, State of Michigan Retirement System, Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS), and Washington State Investment Board. Together with other limited partners subscribing to the fund, the group manages more than $3 Trillion of assets globally. ——— But beyond serving as Chairman to TPG Rise Climate, Hank Paulson also chairs the Paulson Institute in Chicago — — and if you are a long-time listener on this page that might just ring a bell


— — as it was the PAULSON INSTITUTE who the document tracks back to in the drafting of the Blueprint for … FARM CREDIT CHINA. The Blueprint can be found here ( and the date aligns with a cultural-exchange trip sponsored by the Obama Administration in 2016; whereby we sent officials from the USDA and Farm Credit to … CHINA. As to how such conflicting alliances are formed, read more on Hank Paulson: “Paulson had a thirty-two-year career at Goldman Sachs, serving as co-chairman and co-CEO in 1998 and as chairman and CEO beginning in 1999. As a banker, he grew the Goldman Sachs presence in China, believing that it was important to bring best in class practices and standards to China. Today, he is chairman of the Paulson Institute, which aims to foster a US-China relationship that maintains global order in a rapidly evolving world. A “think and do” tank founded in 2011, the Institute operates at the intersection of economics, financial markets, environmental protection, and policy advocacy, in part by promoting balanced and sustainable economic growth. The Institute’s approach is an outgrowth of Paulson’s overarching commitment to engage with purpose and promote US-China ties in ways that help keep America strong and safe.” Yeah, you betcha. Turn the page and let’s tie all this corruption together shall we —

You should now see the wicked WEB that exists to hijack the American process; as corporations are not beholden to the farmers; or anyone else for that matter — it is their duty and obligation to MAKE MONEY for their stockholders, and they are damn good at doing it; no matter who is rolled over on the way to achieving those ends. The company John Deere is so far removed from the people they sell their products to that it should be embarrassing for them to be associated with the Summit Agricultural Group … but they are; as they made a “strategic” investment into Summit back in 2021. Want to guess who John Deere’s long-time biggest investor is? That punk Bill Gates — who says the quiet part out-loud when it comes to eradicating American Family Farms. But the Summit “alliance” also includes companies like China-owned Smithfield; who has been a driving force in destroying America’s independent pork industry for years. And while the list just goes on and on and on and on, the Summit partner who tracks directly with our own U.S. Government just so happens to be … … FARM CREDIT SERVICES OF AMERICA. Hello old friends


—— You are on the wrong side of HISTORY. —————— Dustin Kittle | Rancher + Ag Attorney #SaveOurFarms


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🇺🇸 American Farmers, et al. v. Biden Complaint:

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