Erasing Hate with Cosmetics?

At my local store over the weekend, I noticed a new product on the shelf.  I was somewhat taken aback as I looked at this new range of cosmetics, obviously aimed at the (ever-growing, ever-louder) homosexual and "transgender" market.  The brand is "Prideful", and seems to be going after the tiny segment of people who …

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Repost with updates: Now, there’s an entire month: “Pride Month”?

Back in August of 2013, I wrote a post on this blog entitled "I do not understand "gay pride".  Below is the entire post. Why would you be proud of being perverted? Why would you be proud of engaging in behavior that is antithetical to the survival of the human race? I stand by that …

Continue reading Repost with updates: Now, there’s an entire month: “Pride Month”?

Now, there’s an entire month: “Pride Month”?

Back in August of 2013, I wrote a post on this blog entitled "I do not understand "gay pride".  Below is the entire post. Why would you be proud of being perverted? Why would you be proud of engaging in behavior that is antithetical to the survival of the human race? I stand by that …

Continue reading Now, there’s an entire month: “Pride Month”?